News and Events Archive

Conservancy Starts Rehabilitating Crabapple Collection

The Conservancy has started the much-needed rehabilitation of the park’s historic crabapple collection, which likely dates back to the 1940’s. The collection was first inventoried and mapped in 2003 by crabapple expert Arthur Jacobsen. He determined that the collection included at least 44 individual trees representing 42 different species or cultivars of Malus. Several trees have…

Tying Climbing Roses

We have several dozen odd, helical iron posts at Bush’s Pasture Park that hold climbing roses. The posts date from the early 1960’s. Each year, each rose has to be pruned to the ten strongest canes, then wound and tied to the posts’ crossbars. It takes about 40-50 knots per rose and takes anywhere from…

The Diversity Tree

Recently, one of our Facebook Friends asked “Why is an apple tree at Bush Park called the Diversity Tree?” Turns out there are two Diversity Trees— planted in 1981 and 2005. The Salem Human Rights and Relations Advisory Commission, along with concerned members of the community planted both trees in response to hate activity occurring…

Conservancy Volunteer Gardener is Salem Art Association’s “Featured Artist”

Jim Schomaker, a long-time volunteer with Mission Street parks Conservancy (previously Friends of Bush Gardens) is currently Salem Art Association’s Featured Artist. His exhibit focuses on capturing Bush’s Pasture Park’s roses through photography. “I wanted to show two things; roses start to atrophy and lose their health, withering with the onset of winter, and they…