The MSPC Rose Committee (Debbie Alexander, Gretchen Carnaby, Bill Meltzer, and Brian Smith) was called into action this past spring under the guidance of rose expert Elaine Sedlack. Elaine has been a godsend to our committee. We have not had expert guidance since Leonie Bell, nationally known old rose expert, visited the Tartar Old Rose Collection in the late 1960s and identified perhaps 80% of the collection. Plus, the rehabilitation of the brickwork is additional motivation to complete the rehabilitation of the rose collection itself.
Late last winter, Tom Beatty, former city horticulturist overseeing Bush’s Pasture Park, informed us that Elaine and her old rose group in Eugene wanted to visit our collection. Needless to say, we all had a great time, and Elaine agreed to help us.
Elaine brings with her a vast knowledge of old roses (roses available in the horticultural trade prior to 1867), connection with a community of rose experts around the country, and INCREDIBLE enthusiasm. Her energy is contagious! Elaine’s interest in our collection and willingness to physically put in the hours of helping us identify roses, suggest worthy additions to the collection, research sources for new roses, and do much of the graphics needed for a new map and perhaps a brochure is phenomenal. Hang on!